Spring Brook Farm

591 Great Rd., Littleton, MA, 1460


Spring Brook Farm est. 1713... In Farming for Good A 300 year old love story you will fall in love with it too! For three hundred and six years the land, known as Spring Brook Farm, has rewarded ten generations with the bounty of life. In 1713, the English deed to the land was conveyed to Captain John Proctor for contributions he made as a colonial. In 1714, the Town of Littleton was incorporated. Preserving and maintaining the natural habitat through practices of 'good land stewardship' over the past 306 years, has rewarded Littleton and the surrounding communities with an agricultural treasure that not only provides sustenance for healthy living but a healthy home for over 40 endangered species by protecting and caring for this natural habitat for all wildlife


Fresh Vegetables, Meats, Flowers, Plants, Preserves, Baked Goods, Eggs, Honey


(978) 486-3249

Social Media

Where to Buy

Checkmark CSA
Checkmark Grocery Store
Spring Brook Farm Country Store