Florida Urban Organics

3093 Kennesaw St, Fort Myers, FL, 33916


Florida Urban Organ­ics began as a con­cept less organic than urban: a “vil­lage in a box,” or pre-fabricated hous­ing for the devel­op­ing world. Pas­sion­ate about help­ing but stumped by the futil­ity of a plan that pro­vided shel­ter for com­mu­ni­ties with no eco­nomic engine, our found­ing mem­bers tack­led the ques­tion of liveli­hood instead. They answered with a food-growing sys­tem rudi­men­tary enough to run on min­i­mal resources and sophis­ti­cated enough to address con­cerns of first-world indus­trial farm­ing. The farm is pesticide and synthetic fertilizer free, uses 85 percent less water than traditional agriculture, and grows 10 times more produce on a fraction of the land - less than one acre, to be exact, just three miles from historic downtown Fort Myers. By recon­sid­er­ing the why, our founders came to a new how. By focus­ing their efforts on the most sus­tain­able, effi­cient way to feed an impov­er­ished vil­lage of 100, they stum­bled upon a bet­ter way to feed everyone.


Wheatgrass, Microgreens, Lettuce

Farming Practices

The farm is pesticide and synthetic fertilizer free, uses 85 percent less water than traditional agriculture, and grows 10 times more produce on a fraction of the land - less than one acre, to be exact, just three miles from historic downtown Fort Myers. By recon­sid­er­ing the why, our founders came to a new how. By focus­ing their efforts on the most sus­tain­able, effi­cient way to feed an impov­er­ished vil­lage of 100, they stum­bled upon a bet­ter way to feed everyone.


(239) 245-8659

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Checkmark Wholesale
Available for Wholesale